ModuleMD is 100% HIPAA compliant ensuring data is securely managed
HIPAA security is yet another complicated thing to worry about and can be an overwhelming task to properly manage data under HIPAA regulations.
Meeting mandatory government requirements, ModuleMD is 100% HIPAA compliant ensuring data is securely managed. Our data hosting cloud passes an annual HIPAA audit with 100% compliance against the OCR Audit Protocol.
ModuleMD hosts data through a cloud-based system ensuring data remains secure in the event of computer failure or severe weather conditions. ModuleMD takes the worry out of knowing when to upgrade, back up data, or perform disaster recovery exercises. Systems themselves, especially cloud-based systems, have a good track record in regards to security. ModuleMD’s cloud connectivity leaves no physical files to compromise, eliminating common security risks.
No matter the EHR, it is critical that providers are trained in ensuring patient privacy through necessary security measures. ModuleMD assists covered entities in becoming HIPAA compliant with regard to their use of PHI in EHR.